had to post this because i put a lot of effort into it just to be a comment, i thought it worthy of note status.
and sorry if it pisses you off that i've tagged you, sct, but you are in this note, just so you know. ; )
Only the Sith Deal in Absolutes. ------------good and bad (morals and ethics as well) comes from man and it's creation of religion. believing in absolutes is ok, but admitting to absolutes is not ok? i suppose killing is bad. but that would be an absolute if i thought it was completely bad. there is no scientific room for God, but he could be science itself. sure. but i don't believe in him existing. i'd be astounded if there were such a higher power than protons neutrons electrons and quarks. i guess i leave a little room for the possibility of the existence of higher powers, but i doubt it being true. so i believe in not believing, but i'm not absolute about anything. so you can ask me my religion and i'll say atheist, but more accurately nihilist, but im not 100% about anything. how can anyone be? it's ignorance in it's simplest. there are always unknowns (i think). the question one should ask when inquiring about religion should be, "what is your religion" and "how sure are you out of 100%". i think then you can truly tell some that they're complete buffoons. i mean how is anyone supposed to know if someone is 67% Buddhist unless they ask or just come up with it right after you ask about religion. im not so quick to call someone 'bad' if i ask about religion, atheism and Christianity are absolutes, but the people don't have to buy all the way into it. this is obvious. you can't really pick and choose which part of a religion you like and don't like though. i don't want to go around telling people "oh, well im partial to Nihilism, but Buddhism strikes my fancy on Thursdays when im feeling unproductive and wearing dresses. usually around Sunday afternoon i think about taking up Agnosticism again but it's really been pissing me off so Shintoism is my cup of tea on Monday. the rest of the time i'm just partial to Nihilism".......ok so we all cant wear signs on our heads saying "JEW", "88% absolute". so we pick one and get on with our lives. some of us, though, say we're all silly to pick one and go about our day willy nilly. a title or religion or label to give someone who's not absolute on anything i would say have to be agnostic or non-committal; we can always find a label, even for nothing. Scott, to put you under a label i pick relativist. To be a relativist, one must believe that (a) There is no truth, (b) Nothing is knowable, and (c) Nothing is meaningful. im sure you already know this but do you see why i put you under this label?
here's the link to the full convo if you have facebook: http://www.facebook.com/no
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